Webpage of Thomas Verweij


Personal Projects

  • EasyFile
    Filesharing web app written in Java + Spring Boot and Javascript + Svelte. Users can create disposable buckets to which they can upload multiple files which are then encrypted in the browser (end-to-end encryption). Buckets are automatically deleted after 24 hours.
  • RemoteHid
    Hammerspoon script enabling mac users to use their touch devices as a remote mouse and keyboard. Useful when presenting or when using a mac as media player. Features a web interface providing touch and keyboard controls.
    Learn more about hammerspoon here.
  • Snote
    CLI tool for creating notes in the macOS keychain. Useful for accessing secrets in scripts.

Tech Bookmarks

Philosophy bookmarks

A proof that my cat is the master of the universe

Take the following proposition P:

(P) If P is true, then my cat is the master of the universe.

This statement doesn't seem to be necessarily true. But we can at least consider the possibility of it being true. What if it is? If P is true then P being true entails my cat being the the master of the universe. And since we assume that proposition P referenced in P itself is true, we can deduce the following true statement:

(1) If P is true, then my cat is the master of the universe

Notice that with statement 1 we just assume that P is true. We need an additional step to actually prove that that is the case.
I hope you already noticed that statement 1 and P are actually the same sentence. This gives us statement 2:

(2) Statement 1 is the same as P

But if statement 1 is the same as P, and statement 1 is true, then:

(3) P is true

So following the truth of P, the conclusion must be:

(4) My cat is the master of the universe

Checkmate atheists! Of course, me being enslaved by the cat in question, I knew this fact all along...

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